Small-leaved Lime No 1
Small-leaved Lime No 1
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
Grafika powstała w 2008. Odbitki drukujemy ręcznie na papierze czerpanym Fabriano przy użyciu farb Charbonell. Więcej o technice znajdziecie Państwo w dziale TECHNIKA. Prawa autorskie zastrzeżone.
Jeżówka powstała w 2002 roku. Oryginalny miedzioryt drukowany ręcznie na papierze czerpanym (Fabriano).
Druk ręczny na prasie graficznej, najwyższej jakości farbami graficznymi Charbonnel.
Dostępna jest również wersja bardziej kolorowa - dodatkowo malowana farbami wodnymi np. akwarelą.
Passepartout w kolorze ecru lub zieleń.
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.
The plate was printed by hand on an original press in our studio.
We used high quality handmade paper Fabriano, and Charbonnel paints.